Do You Feel Trapped Like the Flea in the Jar?

Aug 09, 2024

"When you want to success as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful."- Eric Thomas


Dear Difference Makers!


This week, I came across a thought-provoking metaphorical tale about a flea in a jar. According to the tale, a group of fleas were placed inside a glass jar with the lid screwed on it.


Initially, the fleas were eager to jump out, but each time they leaped to the top of the jar, they bumped their heads on the lid.


Eventually, the fleas gave up and stopped jumping quite as high. They learned their boundaries and settled to live within the confines of the jar.


One day, the lid was removed, and the fleas were free to jump as high as their little hearts desired. Instead of jumping out of the jar, the fleas continued to jump as if the lid were still on. Their self-imposed limitations, thoughts, and beliefs kept them trapped in the jar, not the physical lid itself nor their capabilities.


This metaphor demonstrates how we often allow our thoughts and beliefs to hold us back and keep us from achieving our full potential. Just like the fleas had become complacent within limitations from the jar, we often allow our thoughts to place limits or beliefs that hold us back from growing and achieving more.


As leaders, how often do we let our thoughts hold us back when, in reality, nothing but ourselves stands in our way? Our self-limiting beliefs are those limitations we consciously (or even subconsciously) place on ourselves.


√ They hold us back


√ Stop us from taking action


√ Convince us that we are not ready


√ Make us believe we don't have enough time


√ Spread whispers that we don't have enough experience


√ They stop us from achieving what we truly want.


John C. Maxwell likes to call this the Growth Gap Trap, which he teaches in his book How Successful People Grow. He shares,


" If you focus on goals, you may hit goals- but that doesn't guarantee growth. If you focus on growth, you will grow and always hit goals."


Maybe you have optimized resident intake or have found beneficial ways to reduce operational costs. Or maybe you do an excellent job staying on top of regulations, quality standards, and developing resident programs.


But...hitting all those benchmarks does not indicate that you're growing in the process.


Below are the 8 Growth Traps that prevent people from growing both at home and in the workplace.


Which ones do you believe you have "fallen into?"


#1 The Assumption Gap- "I Assume That I Will Automatically Grow."


We often assume that by busying ourselves by doing "all the things," we are growing in the process. This is not necessarily true. Growth, according to John C. Maxwell, does not come by mistake. It has to be intentional. Growth happens when one intentionally takes steps toward making substantial changes, whether personally or professionally.


In what areas are you ready to take proactively grow in the workplace. Communication with staff, residents, and their families? Time management? Developing strategies to grow your team? Improving systems for effectiveness? All of these are like working documents that we want to fine tune on a regular basis.


#2 The Knowledge Gap- "I Don't Know How to Grow."


Sometimes, we feel the urge and desire for change, but we often do not know where to begin. We recommend finding a mentor or a coach who can guide and provide you with learning tools and resources so you can grow within your role as facility administrator.


#3 The Timing Gap- "It's Not the Right Time to Begin.


" We have all been guilty of what I like to call "Someday Syndrome" where it seems easier to push things off until one day when the timing is "just right." Let's be honest! Is there ever a perfect time to add something else to your plate? Learning and growing does not need to feel like something extra, but rather, we hope that along the process, it fuels your soul and reignites your passion for being a difference maker in your resident facility.


#4 The Mistake Gap- "I'm afraid of Making Mistakes."


Stepping out of our comfort zone means doing something different or changing how you currently run procedures and systems. This reminds me of a popular quote, "If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've always got. So, if you want to change how certain areas in your facility are going, it is worth learning ways to make effective and impactful changes.


"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again." - Abraham Maslow.


#5 The Perfection Gap- "I have to Find the Best Way Before I Start."


Remember, perfection does not exist. Sometimes we just have to tell ourselves, "I'm going to do it. That's it! Period." Starting is always the most challenging part, but it is oh-so-worth it.


#6 The Inspiration Gap- "I Don't Feel Like Doing It."


That is such a true statement for so many of us, but how many of you have done something you originally did not want to do, and in the end, you were glad you did? Sometimes we have to be our own biggest cheerleader by encouraging ourselves to do something we may not be inspired to do, but it is worth it when it is all said and done.


"We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are." - Oprah Winfrey


#7 The Comparison Gap- "Others Are Better Than I Am."


Comparing yourself to others is a sure way to "kill a dream or aspiration." You are meant to be you and nobody else, so focusing on your own learning and growth journey is key. Remember, it is all about progress, not perfection.


#8 The Expectation Gap- "I Thought It Would Be Easier Than This"


Sometimes we experience growing pains when we are learning and doing new things. Even mores so, life often brings us opportunities that causes us to stretch beyond our norm. While it may not be easy in the beginning, it pays off in the long run. For example, if you can find ways to create more effective procedures, you and your staff may save time and energy. Or, if you invest in educating your team on certain protocols, you may prevent mistakes from taking place.


Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." - Maya Angelou


So, yes, sometimes the high road is not always the easy route, but it certainly has the opportunity to be the better route.


Life is certainly all about the journey along the way. Let learning and growing be an exciting part of your journey to empower you to be the best version of yourself both personally and professionally.


With every course you take, mentor you seek advice from, podcast you listen to or educational book you read, be a sponge to new...


√ Ideas


√ Perspectives


√ Strategies


√ Motivation


√ Inspiration


√Techniques & Skills


Don't let your limiting beliefs stand in the way of your potential. Take that first step towards growth and learning today. Remember, the only limits that exist are the ones we place on ourselves. Embrace the journey ahead with an open mind and a willingness to evolve. Here's to your continuous growth and success!


- The UCampus Group Team

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